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How to guides


To install Fenv, simply run the following command:

pip install fenv


Fenv makes it easy to get started with a new Python project by providing an all-in-one solution. Here's how to use it:

Create a new project with virtualenv and basic files:

fenv new <project_folder>

Activate the virtual environment:

for windows

cd project_folder
source env/bin/activate

for linux

cd project_folder
source env/bin/activate

Command for windows and linux only

Install packages

fenv install

One command can be used to install packages from requirements.txt, and if Fenv's virtual environment does not exist, it will prompt the user to create it. However, an error message will be displayed if the requirements.txt file cannot be located.

fenv install <package_name>

Install the package and add it to requirements.txt If the package name is omitted, the message Maybe you forgot to put the name of the package to install? for example fenv install <package_name> is displayed.

Uninstall packages

fenv uninstall <package_name>

Uninstall the package and delete it from requirements.txt

Update requirements.txt

fenv update <package_name>

Update all packages to a file. requirements.txt

Create virtualenv only

fenv onlyenv

Create a virtualenv with a custom name or an optional 2 autoname, then create a file. settings.json for vscode does not generate additional base files

Cleanup packages all

fenv clean

Clean, remove all packages like new.

Activate the virtual environment

fenv activate

Activate the virtual environment if the terminal is not supported will show a hint.

fenv deactivate currently not in use

fenv clone [url_repo]

Clone data from repositories and create virtualenv.