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fenv new [project_folder]

Create a new project and create virtualenv with base file such settings.json on vscode and

fenv install

Install all modules in requirements.txt is similar to npm install.

fenv install <package_name>

Install the modules you want to install. After the installation is complete add the module name to the file. automatic requirements.txt

fenv uninstall <package_name>

Uninstall the modules you want to uninstall. After the uninstallation is complete add the module name to the file. automatic requirements.txt

fenv onlyenv

Create a virtualenv with settings to connect the interpreter to vscode and format the code with black.

fenv clean

Clean, remove all packages like new.

fenv activate

Activate the virtual environment if the terminal is not supported will show a hint.

Support Currently:

  • Powershell (Windows)
  • WSL (Windows)

fenv clone [url_repo]

Clone data from repositories and create virtualenv.